Designed for Your Ease

To make Xtraxtor safer and faster, we can't just rely on the latest technology. That is why our greatest strength is the team of teams working together to implement it.

Why Xtraxtor?

Xtraxtor is an all-in-one email extractor for both technical and non-technical users. This utility is specially designed to extract data or information from almost all types of email files. On the other hand, you can use this email converter to directly transfer emails to various email service providers from an email file or email client.

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With a simple user interface, this tool offers fast and secure email conversion, migration and backup.

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Export, convert and backup emails from multiple sources with 100% accuracy.

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A dependable and authentic approach to export, migrate and backup emails from one platform to another.


All Data Secured

We built Xtraxtor with multiple layers of security to ensure none of your data is lost during data conversion, extraction, or migration. You can use this software without worrying about data breach or data loss. You can always have peace of mind while using Xtraxtor


Maximum Efficiency

Security, fast performance and stability are equally important. We strive to ensure 99.99% accuracy for your data. We regularly update our software, adding more features and improving its speed with the latest LiteSpeed technologies.


Built For Smooth Control

We are proud of our in-house-developed Software. Since its birth, we fine-tune every aspect of our Software to deliver the best email conversion, backup and extraction experience that is intuitive for beginners and straightforward for professionals.


Better Customer Support

We believe that showing how to solve a problem is the best way to guide customers towards success. Our technical team is here 24/7 to navigate you through any pain you experience while working on your website.

Let's Try!

Download the Xtraxtor Now

Experience the Seamless Process of Emails conversion and Migration


What Customer’s Say About Us

Our goal is to provide a service that keeps our clients happy. We are pleased to hear any feedback they have to us.

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4.8 Overall Satisfaction Rating! Based on 1842 Reviews